Tuesday 19 January 2010

Summary of video and artist image/style

Video summary
This music video is based on the ups and downs of relationship between a boy and a girl. At the start if the video we see the girl in the park looking sad but not knowing why she is feeling like that. We then see a scene of the girl with her boyfriend having an argument and in the end they both walk their separate ways. Having seen this argument we now know why the girl is sad and depressed, this is shown more by the fact that she is in the park throwing stones and kicking leaves.
As we get further along in the video we see the boyfriend in bed tossing and turning indicating that he is having a nightmare, possible about his girlfriend. His girlfriend is looking at him through his bedroom window while he is having the nightmare, and looking scarily at the camera. As the boyfriend continues to toss and turn, flashing images of a heart will appear.
Towards the end of the music video we will see flash back images of the girl and her boyfriend, showing the fun times they have had together. However we then go back to seeing images and clips of the girl looking scary and coming towards the camera. The video ends with the boyfriend suddenly waking up from his nightmare and staring into the camera.

Artist image/style
The artist image has to convey is that of someone that is possessed. She needs to look like she is infatuated with her boyfriend. We can show this by having the girl stalk her boyfriend after they have the argument and walk their separate ways. The artist needs to look frightening but at the same time nice since there are two sides to her, which we see in the music video.
The artist needs to express misery and hurt. This can be done by the artist looking down when walking, which will express sadness. Also wearing dark colours such as black will help to express misery and hurt. The dark clothes will also give the video that gothic image that is typical to the rock genre of music.

By Danny


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