Saturday 23 January 2010

Conventions of 'Rock' and 'Hip-Hop'

The most obvious convention of a rock video is that they tend to be mainly performance based, sometimes with a narrative. If there is a narrative in the video it is usually shows a romance between a girl and boy or there will be some sort of action. The performance tends to show the band performing to a crowd or just playing there instruments to the camera. The mise-en-scene is also very important. For the props there are usually instruments which the band is playing. The setting is mainly dark and gothic and the band usually wear dark casual clothing.
The conventions for RnB/Hip-hop are very different. The videos conventions are that it is either narrative or performance base. The narrative usually shows a relationship between the artist and other people. The camera mainly focuses on the physical features of the artist and the artists possessions, such as their cars, clothes and jewellery.

By Danny


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