Tuesday 26 January 2010

Analysis of Digipack

Even though Green Day is a band on the front cove of the digipack all we see is one member. This clearly shows us that he is the most recognisable and the main member. This image is only a sihollette of the artist and this creates a dark tone which complements the rock genre. His rock image is also shown through the instrument that he has got, which is a guitar. The guitar is in white which makes it stand out against the red and black just like the title.

This digipack follows many typical conventions that you would find on a digipack. For example it has a track list displayed on the back cover and inside of the booklet. It also has the ablum title and the name of the band/artisit written on the front cover. On the back there is a barcode and the logo of the record company. In addition there are links to the bands website. This digipack gives a bonus disk which is a convention of a digipack. The bonus disk is a DVD which shows the bands live concert. Another special feature that has been included is that the lyrics to each song have been wrote down inside the booklet.

It attracts the audience through its use of colours. The 3 colours used on the front cover of the digipack all stand out against eachother. The red makes the writing standout which is in white, it also makes the image stand out. You can tell that the audience that would be attracted to this product are between the ages of 15 – 25. Its easy to tell this since there is an image of the audience at on of the bands concerts.


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